Deposit Rates
Rates effective 08/1/2024
Regular Certificates
1 Year Term
3.94% Dividend Rate
4.00% APY*
$500 minimum opening balance
18 Month Term
3.94% Dividend Rate
4.00% APY*
$500 minimum opening balance
2 Year Term
3.94% Dividend Rate
4.00% APY*
$500 minimum opening balance
3 Year Term
3.94% Dividend Rate
4.00% APY*
$500 minimum opening balance
4 Year Term
3.94% Dividend Rate
4.00% APY*
$500 minimum opening balance
5 Year Term
3.94% Dividend Rate
4.00% APY*
$500 minimum opening balance
*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. On the above accounts, dividends are compounded and credited quarterly. Dividends are computed based on average daily balance. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal.
Service charges may reduce earnings.
IRA Certificates
1 Year Term
3.94% Dividend Rate
4.00% APY*
$500 minimum opening balance
18 Month Term
3.94% Dividend Rate
4.00% APY*
$500 minimum opening balance
2 Year Term
3.94% Dividend Rate
4.00% APY*
$500 minimum opening balance
3 Year Term
3.94% Dividend Rate
4.00% APY*
$500 minimum opening balance
4 Year Term
3.94% Dividend Rate
4.00% APY*
$500 minimum opening balance
5 Year Term
3.94% Dividend Rate
4.00% APY*
$500 minimum opening balance
*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. On the above accounts, dividends are compounded and credited quarterly. Dividends are computed based on average daily balance. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal.
Service charges may reduce earnings.
Money Market Savings
$0 - $9,999.99
0.50% Dividend Rate
0.50% APY*
$0 Minimum Opening Balance
$100 Minimum Balance to Earn Dividends
$10,000 - $24,999.99
0.60% Dividend Rate
0.60% APY*
$0 Minimum Opening Balance
$100 Minimum Balance to Earn Dividends
$25,000 - $49,999.99
0.70% Dividend Rate
0.70% APY*
$0 Minimum Opening Balance
$100 Minimum Balance to Earn Dividends
$50,000 - $99,999.99
0.80% Dividend Rate
0.80% APY*
$0 Minimum Opening Balance
$100 Minimum Balance to Earn Dividends
0.90% Dividend Rate
0.90% APY*
$0 Minimum Opening Balance
$100 Minimum Balance to Earn Dividends
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Service charges may reduce earnings. Rates are subject to change at any time without notice. No withdrawal limits. Dividend calculated and paid monthly. Dividend credited back to Money Market Savings account. Tier based on monthly average daily balance. Average daily balance of $100.00 required for dividend.
Regular Savings
Primary Savings
0.10% Dividend Rate
0.10% APY*
$5 Minimum Opening Balance
$100 Minimum Balance to Earn Dividends
Secondary / Club Savings
0.10% Dividend Rate
0.10% APY*
$0 Minimum Opening Balance
$0 Minimum Balance to Earn Dividends
IRA Savings
0.10% Dividend Rate
0.10% APY*
$0 Minimum Opening Balance
$0 Minimum Balance to Earn Dividends
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Service charges may reduce earnings. Rates are subject to change at any time without notice. No withdrawal limits. Dividend calculated and paid monthly. Dividend credited back to Money Market Savings account. Tier based on monthly average daily balance. Average daily balance of $100.00 required for dividend.
Share Insurance
Your savings at Blue Eagle Credit Union are federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the US Government. Click on the links below to learn more.