Rent a Safety Deposit Box to protect your valuables.
Contact our Lynchburg, VA and West Salem, VA branch locations to get started!
Safe Deposit Boxes
You may consider love notes, your pet rock, and your favorite CDs to be important items, and yet storing them in a box under your bed may be okay with you. You like to have them close and accessible; however, really really important items that may be harder to replace, highly valuable, or are considered legal forms may be better in a safe deposit box for safe keeping. It’s still close and accessible, but much more secure.
We offer safe deposit boxes for your convenience in Lynchburg at our Cornerstone office and in Roanoke at our West Salem office! We have a variety of sizes (see below), and the rental for each box is paid annually. The rental fee is due April 1 of each year, and prorated accordingly for boxes rented initially throughout the year.
Already have a box but not sure what you can do to access it? Make an appointment so that we can have our spaces as clean (and disinfected) as possible for you!
How much is a rental Safety Deposit Box?
See our pricing and rates below, and contact our team with any questions.
Safe Deposit Box Sizes & Pricing