Savings accounts for every milestone.
The best time to grow your nest egg or to start saving is now. At Blue Eagle Credit Union, jump-start your savings with safe, insured accounts designed to grow your funds faster — with no minimum balances and only $100 to start earning dividends.
Savings Accounts for Every Milestone
Blue Eagle Credit Union's online savings accounts are tailored for every stage of life. Opening a credit union savings account is easy and comes with perks such as:
No Monthly Service Charges: You shouldn't have to spend money to save money. That’s why you won't find unnecessary charges and restrictions at Blue Eagle Credit Union. It’s all about being better, faster, easier, and more affordable here.
No Minimum Balances: Open your account now to start saving. It only takes $5 to establish and maintain your membership. Beyond that, no minimum balance requirements apply.
Top-of-the-Market Rates: A high-interest savings account is the best way to make your money work for you.
Ways to Help You Save
A savings account is just the start of what we offer. Blue Eagle Credit Union provides a diverse range of savings, checking, money market, and certificate accounts, each with exclusive benefits and top-of-the-market rates. Our team is ready to help you find the best option for your financial goals. Ask us about accounts for:
Traditional Savings Accounts
Grow your money the traditional way. Blue Eagle Credit Union offers savings accounts for every stage of life. We offer savings programs for kids, as well as products to meet the needs of our more mature members! Whether it’s your first bike, first home, or retirement – we want to make saving for our members easy.
Our traditional savings accounts offer:
Safety and security
Access to your money whenever you need it
Only $5 minimum balance to open
Top-of-the-market dividend rates
Fixed-Rate Share Certificates
There’s comfort in earning on terms that fit your needs. Looking for a savings tool that can grow your money at a higher rate of return? We offer several fixed-rate certificates with maturity terms from 1 to 5 years. Wondering how much you could earn? Check out our rates, then get started today!
*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates effective 8/1/2024. Rate and term subject to change at account renewal. $500 minimum balance to open and earn advertised APY. Service charges could reduce earnings on the account. Penalty imposed for early withdrawal. Other restrictions may apply. Offer subject to change or end any time without notice. Membership eligibility required. Federally insured by NCUA.

Looking to save money on your existing loans?
Let us help! All you have to do is fill out our form and we'll do the rest! We'll tell you if we can save you money, but even if we can't, we'll tell you that, too!
Other ways to help you save.
Money Market Accounts
Boost your savings with an account that pays higher dividends. Open a Money Market Account with any amount, and watch each tier put more money in your pocket. A Money Market account offers great rates without being locked into a term, for those who need or prefer to keep funds more accessible. Save more, earn more!
Looking for a savings tool that can grow your money at a higher rate of return? We offer various certificate terms with top of the market rates to meet your financial needs. Check out our rates, then get started today. SPECIAL OFFER: For a limited time, we’re matching local certificate rates. Ask us for details!
Christmas Club
What’s on your Christmas list this year? How about a stress-free holiday - at least financially? Save a little each paycheck throughout the year and be ready when the holidays arrive. With payroll deduction you won’t miss it, and you’ll be able to check off your Christmas list with ease. Let’s put more green and cheer into your holidays this year!
Club Savings
Store your fun money in a Secondary Savings Account (often called a Club Account). You name your reason for saving — taxes? car? vacation? This account provides the flexibility you need and ease of saving you desire. Wondering how much you could earn? Check out our rates, then get started today!
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)
Planning for retirement can be a little unnerving, especially if you are just starting out. No matter your age or stage of life, starting out with an IRA may help ease you into the retirement planning process.
Save On Existing Loans
Let us help put money back in your pocket! All you have to do is fill out our form and we'll do the rest! We'll tell you if we can save you money, but even if we can't, we'll tell you that, too! It’s easy to see how much you could save!
Traditional Savings Accounts
We offer savings programs for every stage of life. Whether it’s your first bike, first car, first home, or retirement – we want to make saving for our members easy. It’s never too early or too late to start saving!
Other resources you might find helpful.
Deposit Rates
Financial Calculators
MyCU Digital Banking
Eagle Vision® ITMs