Report Card Rewards
Good grades pay at Blue Eagle Credit Union! Education is important to us, and as one of our core values, we want to reward students for their hard work!
Our youth members in grades K-12 can earn $2 for every “A” and $1 for every “B” on their year-end report card, up to $15. If your school doesn’t use traditional A’s and B’s, we will use the equivalent. All you have to do is bring in, mail, or email the student's final report card to Blue Eagle by the end of July each year!
Not a member yet? Become a member today so you can enjoy Report Card Rewards, too! The process is quick, easy, and the best part is that kids start earning immediately!
Important dates to remember:
Deadline to turn in report cards: July 31
By the numbers…
In 2024, 315 students earned $3,864 in Report Card Rewards. With education being one of Blue Eagle Credit Union’s core values, this is a natural fit to give kids an incentive to level up their knowledge.